The moment every athlete wants to avoid.
A muscle gives at the gym or on the bike, leading to weeks of rehab. Sometimes it’s not even a single moment, but rather, countless hours of overuse that leads a muscle to strain or tear. Our community is full of badass, strong and driven athletes, but sometimes we forget the importance of listening to our bodies, nourishing it right and sometimes just taking a break.
Gabby met with us to share the importance of pushing yourself on the bike, but taking care of yourself after that stellar sweat sesh. Here’s her advice for recovery importance.
Why is it so important to give your body time to recover after a workout?
It is crucial to give your body recovery time so it can get stronger and actually achieve a true "training effect". Giving yourself recovery time or recovery days allows your energy stores to build back up and also allows tissue to heal. When you are exercising your muscles, that's essentially what's happening - microtears in the muscle so they can then build back up even stronger. Recovery is KEY to being able to get the most out of your workouts each time; instead of half assing it one day because your legs are DEAD. If we keep over exerting, tissues break down and we end up with chronic overuse injuries or even getting sick!
How much time in between workouts?
Everyone’s fitness level is completely different. A good tip is to track your own resting heart rate. Another good "general rule of thumb" is switch up your workouts. I hate to say it, but don't spin 7 days a week and do nothing else. You must add in cross training/strength training/stretching on the days off; REV offers BARRE at McHenry Row! This is a GREAT way to change things up. And no, running does not count as cross training for spin. Running and spinning use the same muscle groups in the same plane of motion.
What is your favorite stretch to do post spin?
Any glute and hip openers are my favorite. Pigeon pose, Modified pigeon pose, Piriformis stretch. Also calf stretching! Believe it or not, your calves are the muscle group that activated for the longest duration of time during a pedal stroke!
What is your favorite recovery fuel/recipe?
SMOOTHIES! I think we all already knew the answer to that one 😉
FAB 4 SMOOTHIES: Smoothies are hands down my favorite post workout meal. They are quick, super filling, and easy to digest after an intense workout. The KEY is to make sure to include the fab 4 ingredients: PROTEIN, GREENS, FAT, and FIBER. My smoothies are not made to restrict in any way, but to replenish and re fuel your body to keep you feeling full for hours, stabilize your blood sugar and avoid crashing later
Blueberry Muffin:
1.5 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 scoop plant based vanilla protein powder (protein)
1 T almond butter (fat)
2 T flax or chia seeds (fiber)
Handful frozen spinach (greens)
1/4 C frozen blueberries
Handful of ice
Creamy Matcha Avocado:
-2 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
-1 C frozen spinach (greens)
-1/2 small frozen avocado (fat)
-1/2 frozen banana
-1-2 T chia seeds (fiber)
-1 scoops vanilla protein (protein)
-1 T matcha powder
Chocolate Dipped Strawberry
1.5 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Handful frozen spinach (greens) *optional
1 scoop chocolate protein (protein)
1 T MCT oil (fat)
1/2 C frozen strawberries
1 T chia seeds (fiber)
Handful of ice
Protein powders I’ve used and liked: Vega proteins and greens, Vega Sport, Ripple protein, Vital proteins
Any advice for making time to recover?
Listen to your body! Don’t be pressured by those around you. Only you know your body and what’s bothering you. I see a lot of injuries in the clinic from overuse and if we aren’t paying mind to those little aches and pains that we think are going to go away, it will lead to eventual break down of the tissues. I like to do stretches at night right before bed. It’s a great way to unwind and be away from a screen to get yourself calm and ready for a restful sleep!
Want to keep up with this babe’s workout tips, smoothie recipes, injury recovery and more? Follow her PT account @the.mobility.doc
You can also DM her to schedule an evaluation at her brand new physical therapy clinic located at 2400 Boston St. She is also happy to schedule FREE 15 minute injury screens at the clinic to see if you would be a good candidate for physical therapy!