REV has always loved podcasts and the impact they have on our daily lives. They get you out the door in the morning, are the soundtrack to boring chores, tasks, and long runs, and make even Baltimore City traffic something to look forward to. Instead of dreading that morning training run, take the extra time as a gift to learn about the cosmos, tax reform, or how to build a company. Because there are so many, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. We asked our instructors for their favorites, Read on for their favorite podcasts:
Ashlee: On Purpose by Jay Shetty
I loved it! It was so relatable to questions we ask ourselves and situations we experience every single day. Everyone always talks about finding your passion and finding your purpose, but nobody talks about how to actually align with it. The truth is, that regardless of how many experiences we might have: vacations, relationships, trips, etc. if we don’t align with our purpose, our journeys won’t feel as meaningful. This is a focus point Jay talks about that I loved!
Barbara: Mosaic/Erwin McManus, Ed Mylett, and Elevation/Steven Furtick
These are my three most listened to podcasts.
They all 3 offer words and messages of wisdom, challenge, and truth that strengthen my faith, my perspective, and my character. Someone told me once that you can't pour from an empty cup...these 3 men keep my cup full so I can continue to operate in purpose.
Absolutely Not by Heather McMahan: when I want to laugh and not take life so seriously I listen to Heather. She is the funniest human-I found her on Instagram and this podcast is an extension of her hilarious stories-a must listen for a good laugh!!!
Chelsea: Small Town Murder
I am OBSESSED with true crime and everyone knows I love a good laugh. So, of course, my favorite podcast is a mixture of the two. It’s a comedy podcast that recounts murders in small towns across the US. Its hosted by two comedians and is hilarious! They tell a really good story - real facts, a good level of detail, and serious giggles. Yeah, also please add to the post that it's not terribly gory. They actually spend more time on the court case than the murder.
Jackie: Armchair Expert
Hosted by Dax Shepard. He interviews politicians, celebrities, authors, chefs, etc. I think it’s a very informative yet fun podcast. He’s very engaging and a great interviewer and all of his guests are very interesting!!
Jami: RealRebel Podcast
A daily reminder by Katie B, to feel empowered and to be a rebel in your everyday life.
Rich Roll: So many inspiring stories that are shared in raw detail in his podcast. That are related in wellness, fitness, and everyday culture.
Morning Shakeout: Focused on running
Why Not Now: Hearing success stories and what was their Why Not Now moments, and how did they push thru them.
The Secret To Success: Eric Thomas has such an incredible story--he shares his advice, stories and adventures on his success. They call him the Hip Hop Preacher
Josh: The Art of Charm
Amazing self-development podcast that is contemporary and features guests that are world reknown
Maddison: My Favorite Murder
Hosted by two hilarious firecrackers, Georgia and Karen, they share their favorite murders of the week while keeping the conversation light and surprisingly appropriately comedic for such a dark subject. They also discuss current political topics in a way that keeps the listener engaged and I love that about the podcast- my fav to listen to on my way to teach early am classes!
Nick: Reply All
Hands down my favorite podcast. Reply All is about the internet, but only peripherally. It's really about all of the wild things that happen to human beings because we created the internet. It's usually pretty funny but the hosts PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman will cover some pretty serious topics. Also, Amanda loves this show so if she picked "Reply All" as well, I found it first!
Sam: Kneading Dough
(Synopsis) - Superstar athletes discuss life-changing amounts of money. Episodes are hosted by former NFL player, Andrew Hawkins. // I love this podcast because it’s real, top athletes openly discussing their growth from average to extraordinary financial levels, how they’ve managed the growth, and all of the real (and sometimes funny) stories along the way (spending, saving, going broke, etc.). The Lebron & Gronk episodes are my favorites, to date.
Off The Vine – (Synopsis) – Hosted by former Bachelor Contestant/Bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe - Kaitlyn isn't afraid to keep it real as she talks with some of the biggest names in Hollywood! Get ready for lots of laughs, candid convo, taboo topics, unfiltered advice, and wine... lots of wine! // This is also one of my favorite podcasts for numerous reasons – 1. I love Kaitlyn – her style, sense of humor, views, and epic business drive, etc. I think in another life we’d be best friends. 2. It’s a relatable podcast for females – they really dive in on ALL topics (even the crazy ones) & support conversations (the best are the unapologetic ones) 3. They have a few glasses of wine during it (who doesn’t enjoy a nice glass of wine lol) 4. The Bachelor/Bachelorette series is a guilty please!
Podcasts have exploded into our culture AND at REV! It’s as if they are the new TV shows. They are an excellent way to entertain oneself while commuting, traveling, or working out. There’s something for everyone, and they’re great conversation starters with your REV community! What’s your favorite?