10 Questions with Hannah Byrne
Posted on November 7, 2017 in REV Community

1. What's your secret talent?

I find four leaf clovers EVERYWHERE. I've probably found over 100!

2. If you could learn anything, what would it be?

This is tough. There are so many things! If I had to pick one... I'd really love to learn how to kite surf!

3. What is your favorite food that you cannot live without?

Peanut Butter!

4. What is your favorite indulgence?

Ice cream! A new ice cream shop, BMORE LICKS, just opened down the street from where I live. So dangerous. I love trying new flavors, but my go to is cookies and cream in a waffle cone!

5. What song or album is currently on repeat?

Recently I'm really loving "Good Old Days" by Macklemore feat. Kesha - really the entire GEMINI album! Oh, and Chance the Rapper's album, Coloring Book is always a go-to in the car.

Find Hannah on spotify here.

6. When you get 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?

I work from home - every now and then I love to take a work break and walk around Patterson Park for 30 minutes. It helps me get out of my head and recharge. A lot of times I'll listen to a podcast. Currently, I'm really loving "How I Built This" with Guy Raz by NPR. SO GOOD!

7. What was the last movie, TV show, or book that you watched/read?

TV Show - Stranger Things 2

Movie - Hidden Figures

Book - The Nightingale

And I highly recommend all of them!

8. What apps are you obsessed with?

I love listening to Podcasts - How I Built This, The Daily, Stuff You Should Know, and many more. Favorite podcast I ever binged - Serial!

9. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

There are so many places I want to visit - New Zealand, Greece, Italy, Patagonia! The list goes on and on. I'd also love to live in a van for a few months and see all the US National Parks out West! Am I sounding totally crazy yet? 🙂

10. What was your first REV experience?

I went to one of Esther's classes and was completely blown away by the energy, music and her teaching style. I knew I wanted to be a part of the #REVfam after that first class!

Submitted by Hannah Byrne, cycle instructor at REV Cycle Studio. Check out Hannah on the podium in her upcoming FREE community classes and look for her on the full class schedule here.

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