She Never Looked Back
Posted on June 22, 2017 in REV Community

Lauren Singer found REV after moving to Baltimore from Washington D.C. in 2016. She began spinning at a local studio in D.C. and was looking for a new studio in Baltimore to call home. REV was exactly what she was looking for - high energy classes that pushed her to elevate her fitness level.

Lauren says that the positive energy within REV’s Studio is contagious. “I know that as long as I get myself there, the instructor and the other people in class will have the energy to help push me harder than the day before. I leave every class energized and ready to take on the day.”

However, fitness has not always been a source of excitement for Lauren. Just one year ago, she struggled with her weight. She felt that her demanding schedule and aversion to fitness and healthy foods were all valid excuses to continue living an unhealthy lifestyle. “I hit rock bottom,” Lauren said. It was then that she decided to take control of her life. Since then, she has never looked back!

Today, Lauren spins almost daily and has lost a significant amount of weight (more than 68 pounds) since changing her lifestyle and starting her journey at REV. She sleeps better, has more energy throughout the day, and feels that REV has encouraged her working potential outside of the studio. “Looking back, my excuse of ‘not having enough time’ now seems silly” Lauren said. She is now conquering a PhD on top of a full-time job! Since coming to REV Lauren explains, “REV has helped make me more excited to make more healthy choices.” She knows that with the help of REV she will continue crush her goals and reach her full potential as a human being.

“When things get tough, I try to remember that health is a process. I always bring it back to why I started this journey in the first place,” said Lauren.

She also tries hard to remember to be kind to herself. She likes to recall all of the things she’s already accomplished so far, like taking the stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower – a feat she once thought would never be possible for her to accomplish. “Some days spin class is harder for me than others,” said Lauren. “And that’s ok because there is always tomorrow. There is always another chance.”

Lauren offers one piece of advice to others: “Don’t wait to get started!” She knows firsthand that there will always be things that get in the way - good and bad - so there is no reason to wait.

This upcoming year for Lauren is a big one - not only is she is looking to finish her PhD next May, but she is also getting married to her best friend this October. We wish her all the best from the REV community. We are certain she will continue to crush her goals in and out of the studio in her pursuit of health, love, and happiness!

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