#REVtribe: Michele Riley
Posted on May 14, 2018 in REV Community

WE asked. YOU answered! The #REVtribe submitted stories on how REV inspired them to step out of their comfort zones. Turns out, the #REVtribe is what makes REV so freaking badass. Tune in each Monday as we share one of YOUR stories in hopes to inspire the entire tribe to dig a little deeper and most of all to give you the courage to live the life you love! 

As we sweat, we become. We become: One Team. One Heart. One Tribe. 

My longtime friend, Janet Roa, convinced me to send in my story. Losing over 70 lbs has been an awesome accomplishment. If you told the old version of myself that I would have a cycle unlimited membership and be taking spin, blast, and Rip-n-Ride classes up to 6 times a week, I would have said. "You're crazy!"

In May 2016, I FINALLY worked up the courage to sign up for that first class. I remember shaking in the saddle so worried that I could not do this. It took a lot for me to actually sign up for that first class with Nick after many friends and my husband kept telling me to just TRY it. I had wanted to lose some weight before trying spin and when I lost 40 lbs I decided to give REV a try.

REV, along with Weight Watchers, has helped me to lose and maintain my 70 + pound weight loss. Joining REV has really taken my weight loss journey to another level for sure. I am not at my goal yet, but the the strength and confidence I've gained at REV is so much more than the number on the scale to me. I am so proud of how strong and healthy I feel.

I love my REV family and look forward to each and every class. This June, I turn 45 and can honestly say I feel the best physically and mentally than I ever have. I remember being a newbie and how scared I was. My only wish now is that I would have joined sooner. I never could have imagined the amazing feeling of being part of the #REVtribe. Everyone at REV has been so helpful and supportive. You will still find me in the back row and I love it there. 😉

Thanks for reading my story!

-Michele Riley

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