Beans & Bread Donation Wish List
Posted on November 19, 2017 in REV Community
During this time of year, we are especially grateful for the community we share. Therefore, we would like to join together this week and give back to St. Vincent De Paul's Beans & Bread Center. We will be collecting items for the shelter starting Monday (11/20) through Sunday (11/26).
See below for a full list of items needed and drop off your items in either one of our studios. Help us in filling the donation boxes for Baltimore's homeless.
Beans & Bread Center *WISH LIST*
New Clothing Items (Men/Women/Children):
- Hats
- Gloves
- Scarves
- Socks
Toiletries (Men and Women):
- Shampoo
- Soap (bars)
- Deodorant
- Disposable Razors
- Shaving cream
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
Gift Cards:
- Wal Mart
- Target
- Rite Aid
- Shop-rite
- Safeway
- Shoppers Food Warehouse
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