Ben & John: REV Dads Prioritizing Sweat
Posted on June 16, 2019 in REV Community

On this Father’s Day, we interviewed two committed REV Dads who are at different stages in their lives, but one thing is consistent - their devotion to make time to SWEAT for themselves and for their family. Read on to learn more about Ben Perez and John Williams who strive to be great role models for their community.

Tell REV a little about yourself! How many kids do you have and how old are they?

Ben: I have two kids. Stella is 13 and Sam is 9.

John: Carol and I have 2 children: Christy Wyskiel, 47, is married to Matt and has 2 children and lives in Baltimore. Tolliver, 43, is married to Melissa and has 3 children and lives in New York.

When did you first start coming to REV and what made you want to try our studio?

Ben: I started going to Rev soon after it opened. I was looking for something different than lifting with the bros at Merritt and running. My wife loved it, so I gave it a shot and have been going ever since!

John: Carol and I were both at Rev for the very first class.

On a scale of 1-10, how important is it that you work out and why?

Ben: 10! One of my non-negotiables is working out. If I don't work out I get anxious, easily agitated, and unfocused. I also want to set the example for a healthy active lifestyle for my children.

John: Working out is an extremely important part of our life.

How much time do you dedicate to exercising each week and how do you squeeze in time?

Ben: I get in 45 minutes three times a week most weeks. When my kids were little, I would work out early in the morning before they woke up and on the weekends. Now that they are older, I can work out after work too. My wife and I have a standing workout schedule and we stick to it.

John: I go to Crossfit in Hagerstown (where I work) 4 days a week and to Rev 2 days a week in a normal week. I’m 74 and Carol is a babe at 73 and we both feel the need to stay mentally, physically and spiritually active to keep from atrophying. We are at a fun stage of life.

What keeps you motivated when you’re tired?

Ben: I've never regretted a workout! Usually, the best workouts come when I am least in the mood for exercise.

John: Both of us exercise early in the mornings and we make that a habit. If I did it later in the day I would always find excuses for not going. Doing it early keeps us from having time to think of reasons not to go.

What do you find as your biggest struggle – food, exercise, time, or motivation?

Ben: Definitely food.

John: Food is probably the biggest obstacle to fitness for me. I love a glass of wine and a bite of chocolate after dinner each night and neither of those is on any fitness diet program. I travel a fair amount and lack the self-discipline to exercise when I’m on the road. A bad character flaw.

What is the best part of your day?

Ben: Family dinner time. We make it a point to have dinner as a family almost every night of the week. With all of the chaos in a day, it's nice to have a little time to slow down and talk about the day and spend time together. It's also a great time to reinforce healthy eating habits.

Finally, if you could give one piece of advice to new dads and dads-to-be, what would it be?

Ben: Unconditionally allowing yourself and your spouse/partner time to exercise is important to your health and the overall health of your family. Come up with a schedule that works for you, adjust as needed (with kids, shit happens) and STICK TO IT! Use the time to work things out in your head, de-stress and refocus so you can be present for your family.

John: The best pieces of advice I could give new parents would be to love and enjoy your kids. They grow up and leave you at some point so treasure every moment with them. Secondly, always demand that they respect you and others. It’s ok for them to disagree with you but never to disrespect you.

Father’s Day is a time when we honor the superheroes in our lives with gifts and surprises to show how much we care. Whether it’s a phone call, a card, or a sweat sesh together at REV, we say THANK YOU to all of the fathers and father-figures for their strong and uplifting presence in our lives.

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