What makes this time of year so special? From making cookies to watching sappy Hallmark movies, check out the Holiday traditions our instructors look forward to year after year…
Jackie: My favs are the annual ornament party with friends from school and cookie making with all of the cousins.
Jaime: Making Pizzelles with my mom... my fav. And on Christmas morning, enjoying family mimosas (champagne minus OJ). Try out Jaime's family tradition here!
Nicole: Growing up, we had so many wonderful Christmas traditions. Every year we went to a Christmas party at a relative of Paul Newman’s house, yes Paul Newman the famous actor! As a child, I would tell him I liked his salad dressing (lol). We listened to Charlie Brown’s Christmas album in the car on the way there and looked at all the Christmas lights. Another tradition was reading The Polar Express every Christmas Eve before going to bed. Christmas morning we always had cinnamon rolls for breakfast!
Josh: Watching NBA Christmas games, drinking coffee wearing sunglasses. Not making but EATING a bunch of food!
Charlotte: My favorite thing to do this time of year is driving around looking at Christmas lights while listening to Christmas music in the car.
Elf on the Shelf, drinking egg nog and unwrapping presents under the tree, taking your favorite Holiday-themed class at REV on Christmas Eve with your friends or family. Every year we look forward to certain family traditions. What are some of yours?